Lindale Manor MHP
- Property ID: 1551
- Status: Sold
- Type: MHP/MHC
- Post Updated: 2020-01-10 14:53:10
- County: Linn
- Parcel(s): 14021-52001-00000; 14021-31007-00000
- Assessed Value: $ 1,063,000.00
- Area: 13.45 acres
- Year built: 1950
- Spaces: 105
- Vacant Spaces: 12
- Utilities: City Water, City Sewer
- Lot Rent: $ 300.00
- Sale Date: 10/31/19
- Price Per Space: $ 32,381.00
105 site park in the heart of the retail hub of Cedar Rapids-Hiawatha-Marion Metro. Located on the border of Marion and Cedar Rapids. Surrounding uses include multifamily, single family, commercial and retail. 5 Minute walks to multiple grocery stores, restaurants, and retail.
105 Sites
Low Vacancy
Off-Street Parking
Desirable Location
Near Employers
Minutes from major mall and restaurant row
Bus Stop Nearby
Assessed Value: $1,063,000
City Utilities
Parcels: 14021-52001-00000; 14021-31007-00000
Mostly older single section homes
Very small playground
Park built in phase from 1950’s to 1982
Asphalt Streets
Single Family Site-Built Home (1920’s, 1800 sqft)
Two Warehouse Buildings:
1981, 928 sqft
1994, 1248 sqft